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A 6-week series to unwind the tension and pain we hold in our low abdomens while reconnecting to sensation and strength in the core.

Launching Fall 2024

Restore Your Core

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In this 6-week series, we will playfully explore traditional pranayama practices using somatic movements and asana.

Starting April 16, 2024

Playing with Pranayama

Courses + Series



In this six-week series, we will playfully explore some traditional pranayama practices using somatic movements and asana. Through slow rhythmic movement we can train our focus and interception to track sensations of flow throughout the body. Deepening our sensory awareness within allows our mind to wander with what we are actually experiencing in the moment vs what is not actually happening in the moment. 

Introducing Playing with Pranayama

We are all born with a natural breath rhythm that is unconditioned and perfectly adaptive to the demands on our body in real time. But, because our breath is so closely linked to our mind, our breath rhythm gets conditioned just like our mind. We spend more than half of our waking hours thinking about something other than what we are actually doing. Our minds are wandering from past experiences, to future worries, to things that may never happen at all. to worldly problems we can do absolutely nothing about. This over-active mind leads to increased stress and a faster breath rhythm— which then becomes conditioned and habitual.

A healthy optimal breath is an adaptable breath.

Playing with Pranayama

*Limited to 8; at Megan's studio space in Wilmette


Studying with Megan has beautifully, greatly expanded my relationship to all aspects of yoga—vinyasa, meditation, breathwork, and beyond. She is a masterful communicator and teacher.

Testimonial Name

Share a testimonial from a past client here. Ideally, this one should describe their experience while working with you, prove your level of expertise, and address any objections a potential client may have about working with you specifically.

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Each week will include an Introductory Guide to the technique we will be exploring, together with readings, visuals and resources. 

A 90 minute Weekly Class will be held LIVE on Tuesday mornings at 9:30AM CST. Class will be recorded if you cannot make the live time, and available to all members for personal practice throughout the week. 

A 30-minute Q+A will be hosted virtually via ZOOM on Thursdays at  1:15pm CST which will also be recorded.
All videos and resources will be available to you for life.

What's included



Experience the power of your breath and discover the magic that lives within you in this explorative and transformational 6-week breathwork journey. Through a dynamic blend of somatic movements and breathing techniques, you can expect an enlivening and visceral experience that will help you let go and leave you feeling empowered, grounded, energized and more connected to your deepest-abiding self.

Introducing Somatic Breathwork

Previous series Example:

*Limited to 8; at Megan's studio space in Wilmette

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This series was a work of art. Megan's depth of knowledge and excitement in sharing it with us made transformation a joy! I would love to do this again.

Each week will include an Introductory Guide to the technique we will be exploring, together with readings, visuals and resources. 

A 90 minute class will be held LIVE each week. Class will be recorded if you cannot make the live time, and available to all members for personal practice throughout the week. 

A 30-minute Q+A will be hosted virtually via ZOOM each week, which will also be recorded.
All videos and resources will be available to you for life.

What's included

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Let's move now.